Just How Much Can You Budget Better Thanks to Leasing Products?


If you are a seasoned provider of copier rentals in Riverside, California like Legacy Business Products, you would know that the answer is a lot.

A previous article mentioned that equipment leasing expands budget options for businesses. This means a lot if we think about it. Take, for example, a color printer. Your company may only consider it as part of the miscellaneous expenses. But if you have to use more of them for your operations, the cost becomes hard to ignore. The IDC once revealed that businesses spend around 3% of their annual revenue on printing and copying equipment alone.

Here are some reasons why leasing makes for better budgeting if you would like to consider printer leasing:

  • Fixed rates
    Tech providers give little room for guessing whenever you choose to lease. From paying for a printer or utilizing managed print services, everything you spend is shown in one monthly bill. That cuts the need for constant budget adjustments.
  • More value out of every purchase
    Since things like printers must meet the needs of the company and its clientele, you need to make sure you maximize the value of every equipment purchase. Fortunately, tech leasers often offer insight into what devices best meet an office’s needs. This way, a company makes up for its spending with a product that enhances its operations.
  • Tax incentives
    Did you know that tax codes like Section 179 are specifically designed to encourage self-investment among small businesses? This makes it so companies may deduct payments made on leased equipment.

By now, you may be interested in getting a lease or a printer rental in Inland Empire. Give us a call, and we will get you what you need, whether you want to buy, rent, or lease.

For quality printing equipment in California, choose us!

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